You're about to read my confessions....

Monday, May 11, 2009


Confession time.
Forgive me all Happy Moms,
For I have sinned.
I don't always accomplish all my goals.
In fact, today is my worst day in a long time.
My kitchen counter is full of craft supplies.
My dining table is covered in flower clippies and hair bows.
My living room is strewn with toys, baby wipes, clothes, and a vacuum I have yet to use today.
The beds are not made.
The childrens' rooms are messy.
I haven't started dinner yet and it's 6:00 in the evening.
My current fashion statement is an old T-shirt and a pair of my husbands basketball shorts.
Now, as head of The Happy Moms Club,
Am I happy?
In spite of all my failures today?
The answer ladies,
I haven't relaxed this much in months!
I guess we all need a day every once in a while
to just
And now, if you'll excuse me
I have nothing to get to!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Late Nights

Okay, I admit it! I CANNOT WAIT for bedtime each night. My kids go down around 9 or 9:30 most evenings, but sometimes that isn't soon enough for me. Some days I find myself watching the clock and counting down the hours. As the day progresses, and the hours get later and later, I seem to lose more and more of my patience. Why is it that kids are the lucky ones who get to posess so much energy? If I could steal just 1% of that energy each day, I sometimes think I could be super-mom! On the days where I have little or no energy left, my poor children get put to bed an hour or even an hour and a half early. This probably is not the best strategy. I should probably figure out a creative way for them to release some of their energy instead of putting them to bed as soon as I start to lose to temper. But, for now, I'm once again counting down the hours. 3 hours and 51 minutes.....